中美学生领导力研学营 | 在美国历史文化中遨游


Day 3 Museums in Texas


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Six Floor Museum  第六层博物馆 

Old Red Museum 

Holocaust Museum 大屠杀博物馆  

Crow Museum 

The Dallas Museum of Art 


这并不是一次走马观花的游览,虽然美高同学们在US History课程中已经对美国历史事件、文化背景及政策有了深入的研究与分析;今天通过博物馆中展品的浏览及相关的历史背景介绍,同学们对于美国文化以及历史也有了更进一步的了解。通过对移民、殖民、独立战争、种族政策,博物馆直观的接触,同学们感受到这些不再是课堂上书本中的展示和模拟了,美国的多元文化、美国的国民政策、美国的自由和民主,这些都是在特定时代、特定环境选择之后的积淀;从来就没有奇迹,从来不需要去模仿和羡慕,一个民族、一个时代的崛起是几代人共同努力,以信仰为旗帜,用鲜血和生命为代价换来的。

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 ▲ The Holocaust museum



Today we first went to the Holocaust Museum, where we had a short tour guide. Our guide told us about how WW2 began, why Adolf Hitler even came to that power and what exactly happened with the Jews and other races, which were hunted by Hitler and the Nazis around 1933-1945.

美高学生 Lorina

My favorite museum is the Holocaust museum which talks about during 1930s, Jews have been suffered under Hitler‘spressure. Hitler thought that Jews caused Germany lost the World War 1 so he wanted to get all the Jews away from society, which was very inappropriate.

 “Hitler's army are so cruel and there is nothing we can deal with because it already happen, but, people can build a museum like the Hplocaust to remeber this historical event.”

  I saw a quote from the museum and I really like it "Thought it be to die, we will fight...we will fight not for ourselves but for furture generation,althought we will not survive toseeit."(IZHAK) which shows their hope and expectation about furture. 

今天第一站是The Holocaust Museum 大屠杀博物馆, 在导游的解说下,学生们了解了丰富的历史知识,例如二战的起因,过程等,也更加明白和平的意义。这个博物馆也是学生Lorina最喜欢的博物馆,她深深得体会到希特勒的残暴,为犹太人的遭遇深表同情。她认为,通过建立这些博物馆,人们可以更好的了解历史,也从历史事件中吸取教训。

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▲Sixth Floor Museum


In the trip of Sixth Floor Museum, each one of us havelearnt about the story of John F. Kennedy and his family, which had some political influence. Also, we have learnt how he stood against racism and otherthings. Later on, he was assassinated in Texas, Dallas, during a new campaign,were he didn’t want any guards around him, since he wanted to talk to the people. But there were also many people who didn’t like him at all and as aresult, he was assassinated during that event. The people tried to save him and transported him to Parkland, which is now also known as ”The Race to Parkland“. 

学生Priena从这次Sixth Floor之行了解到肯尼迪的生平事迹以及他发起一系列运动。肯尼迪是美国最有影响力的总统之一。在担任总统期间,肯尼迪的政绩是可圈可点的。他提出了改善城市住房条件、发展教育事业、改革税收制度、修改农业计划、保护和发展天然资源、为老年人提供良好的医疗保健、反对种族歧视、给黑人以公平权利等多项政策计划,人们除了成功化解了古巴导弹危机,支持太空计划,为阿波罗登月奠定基础等等。他的就职演说中脍炙人口的名句“不要问你的国家能为你做些什么,而要问一下你能为你的国家做些什么”,至今仍广为传颂,这也启发了同学们思考如何做一个领导者,如何更好地成为一个具有民族情怀,国际视野的领导者。

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▲Old Red Museum

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▲Crow museum

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Dallas Museum of Art, is an awesome museum with roots from Asia and the other with roots from all over the world (Europe, US, Asia, Egypt, Africa, etc.).


The Crow museum is about the Asian art and the Dallas Museum of Art is the larggest museum which contains millions of art from different area.


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