华师附外美式高中教师团队 | 用爱托起他们飞翔的翅膀


华师附外美式高中教师团队 | 用爱托起他们飞翔的翅膀

各位还记得校运会的颜值担当们吗?今天我们来了解其中一位,Mr.E,同学们都这样称呼他。同学眼中的Mr.E 是爱运动、有学识、懂生活、颇具绅士风度的多栖教师,他是华师外校美式高中的科学老师――Ryan Shug Evans。

I guess those handsome and pretty teachers who have been shown up in the sports meeting were quite impressive. Now let's get to know one of them ― Ryan Shug Evans, Mr. E.  Mr. E. teaches science subjucts in AEP. In students' eyes, he is the image of ‘Texas Cowboy' ― athletic, knowledgeble, sentimental and gentle.

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▲Ryan Shug Evans


In Mr. E's lesson, he often engage the students in academic activities by various teaching methods , such as VR Teaching, interactive media and experiment. 

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Out of class, Mr.E often play sports with students and also participate in the activities organized by students, such as cos-play party, basketball match and so on. He is more like a friend than a teacher.

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How would Mr. E. describe himself? 





With the desire to explore the world, Mr.E. went to Africa in this summer. This journey was also a valuable experience for him to experience the diverse culture, embrace the nature, get close to the animals. In this trip, Mr.E. also recognized the importance of environmental conservation. Based on what he has leant and seen in this journey, Mr.E. often remind the students of the importance of environmental conservation by sharing his experience in Africa. 

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▲Mr.E & Nick在非洲

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▲Mr.E 在非洲



In his spare time, Mr.E. like reading books, and also enjoy cooking, listening to the music and traveling. When he was asked about his favorite country, he counldn't tell it. In his opinion, every country is worth to visit. What he has seen, what he has learnt during the journey are more important than the destination.

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When he was asked what made him decide to come to China, he said that it's Chinese culture and Chinese food. He visited China several times before getting a job in China. In his eyes, the students in FLS are curious about knowledge and often impressed him with fresh ideas.  The eyecatching opening ceremony of the sport meeting was schemed and conducted by the cooperation with AEP teachers and students. He likes the students in FLS and he would like to accompany with them andhelp them to achieve their goal. 

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Every child is an angel who lands on the earth. I would like to lift their wings with my love.


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