致新生的一封信 | 华师外校美式高中


Dear students,


I hope you are all enjoying a peaceful and productive summer after the unprecedented turmoil of the first half of 2020. As the summer is getting closer to an end, I am writing to welcome you to AEP of the Affiliated Foreign Language School to South China Normal University and introduce you to the amazing 2020-2021 academic year ahead.


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The year 2020 is on its way to becoming one of the most historically significant years of the 21st century. Many things we are all experiencing right now will probably be mentioned and analyzed as watershed events in later history books. The COVID-19 pandemic reminds us of how fragile our society is. The economic and public health aftermath is going to shatter every part of everyone’s life to the core in the coming years. In the meantime, we seem to be facing a lot more hostility and confrontations from the western world as China has become more influential as an economy and political force on the global stage. The presidential election of the U.S. in November will probably decide whether the U.S.-Sino relations will be dialed back towards normalcy or drift further away into deterioration. There is also light and hope in this dark period of time as the human space program to Mars is being launched and progresses have been made in 2020. The boundaries of human world are destined to be expanded as we march into the big unknown universe in the next decade.


In the time of great crises and opportunities, there come great heroes. The AEP’s mission is to bring out the hero and heroine in each of you. What we do here at AEP is to first help you uncover who you really are and grow into someone who will adapt to and succeed in the future world. You will develop real passions to learn for learning’s sake, not for your parents or for the grade. You will develop what it takes to learn independently and critically as you stumble upon brand new subjects that might turn into your lifetime career or interest. You will learn to express yourself effectively, both in writing and speaking, and in different languages. You will get used to taking care of yourself, depending on no one, and choosing your own path forward. You will make lifelong friends, both in students and teachers, who will leave unforgettable memories and accompany you to achieve great things in life. Grim as the year 2020 might seem and frightening as the future may appear, I believe each of you has enormous potential to develop all the necessary qualities and skills to overcome future challenges.


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We have exciting things lined up for you at AEP this year and will help you unleash your potential and get into a top university in the world which will be an important first step towards lifelong happiness and success. In the classroom, you will be able to take some new courses in areas such as psychology, computer programming, business and economics and lab sciences, which are most up-to-date with technological trend and career opportunity of today’s world. You will also be able to delve into fine arts or music by taking professional workshops in those areas. Outside the classroom, mentors and counselors will get to know your challenges, both academically and personally, and guide you through the ups and downs of your high school years. You will run for Student Council, be part of the Debate Club, play for the Rock Band, train for the Basketball Team or create your own organization and become the next legend of AEP. We hope that you will explore fearlessly, work diligently and most importantly have a lot of fun along the way.



Again, on behalf of all the faculty members of AEP, I welcome you to our school. I look forward to embarking upon this amazing journey with each of you.


Mike Hu

Program Director



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